Hugo Drax Bringing Photo Booth and DJ Professionals Together

Photo booths and DJs are integral in a wedding, party, or event. They can be found at every major event, but they often don’t work together. This is why these two industries need to come together and form associations that will allow them to promote each other’s services and help match their clients with the perfect team.

Hugo Drax shares some insights on the benefits of joining Adja and Photo Booth Associations to speed the growth of the Djaying and Photo Booth businesses. Hear more from him.

Tune in!

Conversation Highlights;

[00:20] Meet Hugo Drax, one of the exhibitors at the 2022 PBX and MEX

[00:32] A bit about his Adja and Photobooth Associations

[01:15] A side-hustle programme they offer to their clients

[02:12] How long have the associations been active

[02:36] Where to go and find out more about these associations

Let’s Connect!

Hugo Drax




Alan Berg on the Secrets to Converting More Leads to Sales

Here are my current books. Thanks to you a few are already in their 2nd editions, and also most are available in Spanish (también disponible en español).  To learn more about Alan’s books and how to get one click on the cover.


Art Armani Profile

Art Armani|| Founder Armani Entertainment; The three things you can do to rank your website

A little bit of Info about my credentials- Owner of Armani Entertainment since 2018 – Operating as a Dj and Photo Booth Company located in Warrington, PA- Primary Job however has been in online marketing since 1998- Currently the President of an Advertising Agency specializing in Google Advertising Art is also the Marketing Director for Max Design and also Capturebook App.  Both will be at PBX and MEX this year.

In today’s episode, Art shares his career journey in marketing and the strategies he has been using to optimise his website to rank number one on google. As a key speaker at the PBX seminar, he will also provide highlights of the topic he will be handling in the seminar: The three things you can do to improve your user experience and help your website rank better without hiring an agency. 

Listen to his insightful tips!

Tune in!

Conversation Highlights;

[00:58] About the upcoming PBX conference 

[01:59] The importance of the PBX and seminar like this 

[05:01] Art background in marketing and what he wants you to take from the seminar

[08:03] The right timing to hire an agency to optimise your website

[08:45] The three things you can do to rank your website 

[08:47] How to optimise your homepage title tags to rank 

[15:03] Using google trends for keyword research

[17:54] A highlight of what Art will speak about on Blogging and YouTube content 

[21:02] How to send local signals to the search engine 

[27:57] Episode wrap up and calls to action

Notable Quotes 

  • [06:50] Agencies are not bad, but there are a lot of low hanging fruits which you’re going to pay for that you can do yourself  
  • [08:47] The title tag of your website is the most important thing to tackle first in SEO
  • [09:06] Think of your website as a book, so if anyone is looking for any type of subject, the first thing to look at will be the title  
  • [12:29] The first thing that Google looks at is your title tag 
  • [16:06] You have to put town identifiers; people are looking for local photo booths near them 
  • [17:06] It takes time, do one thing at a time, and over time, you will have a good website that is ranking   
  • [21:17] There is a psychological thing behind money; people always want to know what it cost 

Let’s Connect!

Jordan St Jacques

Jordan St Jacques|| Founder of Digitera; From a Dj to Promoter and then to Tech Industry

Welcome to today’s episode with Jordan Jacques. Jordan is a keynote Speaker for DJX, PBX, MEX, and more. He is also a Digital Marketer and Software Developer at Digitera, a company he founded in 2013 after people began shifting entertainment from nightclubs where he Djayed to festivals. Jordan is a  Guest Lecturer at Carleton University and a seminar speaker at the Photo Booth Expo and Mobile Entertainment Expo.


In today’s episode, Jordan shares his story from a Dj in schools, nightclubs, and a trusted marketer and promoter. Listen to his inspiring story that will make you refocus your procrastination. He also shares some key lessons to the Dj business, some common errors Djs make in their online branding, and how to fix them. As a key speaker at the PBX seminar, he will give us some clues of his handling topics. Find out more in this episode.


Tune in!


Conversation Highlights;

[00:20] What’s in for you in today’s episode

[00:57] How Jordan started as a Dj and grew in the industry

[08:18] What skyrocketed his Djing business

[09:24] Changing with tides- the fall of mySpace and rise of Facebook

[10:13] From nightclubs to festivals in 2013 and the birth of Digitera

[12:38] Tips on how to grow your company as a Dj

[16:30] Attend seminars such as PBX and MBX to fix these Dj websites’ errors

[17:39] About Jordan’s PBX seminar about tips on ranking in Google

[25:00] Common errors that Djs make in their websites and how to perfect them

[32:50] Anybody who will speak at the show can be trusted

[33:59] The best way to test someone’s capability before hiring them

[35:57] What Jordan will have for you during the Mobile Entertainment Expo

[43:06] Episode wrap up and calls to action


Notable Quotes 

  • [07:49] When you are a Dj, you rely on the decisions of many people rather than your own. 
  • [11:56] Our journeys are simply responses to the situations in our world 
  • [12:38] Your growth as a Dj depends on how you parade yourself online
  • [13:46] It is your first impression that determines if a deal will be closed or not 
  • [14:13] The biggest viewer of your website is Mr. Google
  • [20:35] Anything that Google owns somehow ends up in the calculation of where you rank on google.
  • [21:28] Out of all the different aspects of the Google ranking calculation, Google My Business was worth 14% of the overall calculation.
  • [26:25] YOAST is the best SEO plugin by far.
  • [27:33] A Djs website is their online flyer

Let’s Connect!

Jordan Jacques

Thumbnail Fred

Fred Jacob

Fred Jacob|| Founder of Bridescan; Alabama’s Leading Wedding Resource

Are you engaged, confused, or wedding obsessed? We’re here for you! At Bridescan, you can get all your wedding services on one platform and make your day memorable. Bridescan is a product of The Pink Pride, a platform to connect businesses with wedding couples for the best wedding experience! Fred Jacob created Bridescan to connect attendees with exhibitors at wedding events using their phones. The app Bridescan is now used in 70 wedding shows around the US.


Fred Jacob works full-time in marketing and advertising through the Pink Bride Magazine. He has also created- Scan2Scan – which is used at non-wedding events, like Boat Shows. This app will replace the need for handheld scanners and put the power in the hands of the attendees to decide whom to scan. Once scanned, the info is SWAPPED between the attendee and the exhibitor. The producer of each event gets great LEAD data from the TOTAL scans. In December 2018, he added the ability to process exhibitor booth sales by reducing admin to the show producer.


In today’s episode, Jacob answers all the questions regarding Bridescan and Scan2Scan. We also take you through a step-by-step guide about setting your account as an exhibitor and attendee. Find out more in this episode.


Tune in!


Conversation Highlights;

[01:22] A bit about Fred’s companies; Bridescan and Scan2Scan

[05:45] Why Bridescan is such a masterpiece software to use

[07:14] Difference in creating accounts between an exhibitor and an attendee

[08:58] Step by step on how to set up your exhibitor account on Bridescan App

[13:31] How to embed a YouTube video on your description

[17:46] Editing your profile to look professional

[20:16] Creating the after-show email message

[21:50] What happens when an attendee scans the exhibitors’ QR code

[25:47] How we handle confidentiality at Bridescan

[26:43] For how long can your QR Code last?

[27:59] Exhibitors can also scan other exhibitors

[29:34] How an attendee account works

[30:56] Can you add pictures to your profile description?

[34:35] Episode wrap up and calls to action


Let’s Connect!

Fred Jacob








Fred Jacob, CEO
The Pink Bride, We Say YES to Love!

Scott Kartsounes - DJI Logo
Scott Kartsounes BW
Scott Kartsounes Party Blast
Scott Kartsounes Color
Thumbnail Scott 2022

Scott Kartsounes of Intelligence, Inc.

Scott Kartsounes is the co-founder of Intelligence, Inc., developers of Event Intelligence® – a leading online event booking, planning, and management platform used by thousands of mobile DJs, entertainers, photo booth operators, and event companies in two dozen countries worldwide. Intelligence, Inc. is also developer of Party Blast™ – a prominent online event directory that lists thousands of event professionals in the U.S. & Canada. Intelligence, Inc. works with over fifty thousand event professionals. 

Scott Kartsounes holds a degree in Engineering from the University of Illinois Chicago, an MBA from National Louis University, and a certificate in Entrepreneurship from Harvard Business School. Scott also owned and operated one of the largest and most successful mobile entertainment companies in Chicago from 1990 to 2003.

How to Protect Your Company using Trademarks with Scott Kartsounes

A trademark is a distinctive sign or emblem identifying a particular business or product. It can prevent others from using the same signs or emblems without permission. It is an exclusive right granted by law to a trademark holder to identify their goods and services as those produced or sold under their brand. Since registering a trademark is long and complicated, Scott brings the trademark jargon in a language that a ten-year child can understand.


Scott Kartsounes is the co-founder of Intelligence, Inc., developers of Event Intelligence® – a leading online event booking, planning, and management platform used by thousands of mobile DJs, entertainers, photo booth operators, and event companies in two dozen countries worldwide. Intelligence, Inc. is also the developer of Party Blast™ – a prominent online event directory that lists thousands of event professionals in the U.S. & Canada. Intelligence, Inc. works with over fifty thousand event professionals.


Scott Kartsounes holds a degree in Engineering from the University of Illinois Chicago, an MBA from National Louis University, and a certificate in Entrepreneurship from Harvard Business School. Scott also owned and operated one of Chicago’s largest and most successful mobile entertainment companies from 1990 to 2003.


Tune in!


Conversation Highlights;

[01:05] A bit of Scott’s background and his Djaying Journey

[06:00] Using Event Intelligence has been phenomenal in Kyle’s business

[10:42] Trademarks and their importance to the company

[13:52] Trademark versus copyright explained

[15:12] How and where to register your trademark

[16:07] Why should you register a trademark

[17:32] Infringement by cyber-squatters and examples

[20:18] Infringement by competitors’ examples

[23:27] Trademark gives you the power to be the authoritative leader

[27:34] What qualifies for registration

[30:54] Examples of trademark classes in the education and entertainment industry

[32:24] Expected fees and timelines when registering for a trademark

[37:16] Online filing and what happens

[38:58] This is when you can safely start using the ® symbol

[41:11] Trademarking is not a one-time payment, but a lifelong commitment

[43:36] Do you need further legal assistance?

[46:20] Episode wrap up and calls to action

Notable Quotes

  • [03:42] In today’s world, subscription services are everything
  • [04:15] To succeed in business, you must start by selling a concept, then a product follows
  • [04:27] To buy a software service that you’ll download and install is unheard of nowadays. Everything is on the cloud.
  • [17:13] Companies with a registered trademark symbol become more official and authoritative.

Let’s Connect!

Scott Kartsounes


Social Media:

Disclaimer: This interview is for informational purposes only. Scott Kartsounes is not an attorney. None of the information provided is meant to be construed as legal advice. Attendees should consult with a qualified attorney with questions specific to their situation.

MBX Logo
Thumbnail Rob 2022

Rob Savickis Talks about Photo Booth Expo & Mobile Entertainment Expo

Rob Savickis is the executive producer and the president of both the Photo Booth Expo & Mobile Entertainment Expo. At the International Photo Booth Expo, manufacturers of photo booths and suppliers of media, props, and consumables interact with photo booth rental companies from over 60 countries.

In this episode, Rob explains everything you need to know about the upcoming International Mobile Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas on February 21-24, 2022. Also, find out more information on how your business can benefit from exhibiting at the Photo Booth Expo.


Tune in!

Conversation Highlights;

[00:28] A bit of Rob’s background

[01:38] What inspired Rob to come up with the photo booth expo in Las Vegas

[07:43] Can you join both the Photo Booth and Mobile Entertainment expos?

[09:24] PROMO codes MEXSHOW2022 and PBXSHOW2022 before 16/2/2022

[13:18] What to expect during the Photo Booth Expo seminars

[15:34] It’s not about money, but networking and education

[18:45] What’s new to this year’s conference

[23:44] Why our show is different from the other shows out there

[25:48] Get a glimpse of the final show maps

[27:35] Episode wrap up and calls to action

Notable Quotes

  • [08:26] Many Dj’s are in the photo booths, while very few people in the photo booth world in the Djaying
  • [13:00] Even with entertainment, the greatest value you can give or offer is education
  • [15:34] The greatest advantage of networking is to grow your sphere of influence


Everything you need to know about the upcoming International Mobile Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas, NV February 21-24, 2022.


At the International Photo Booth Expo, manufacturers of photo booths and suppliers of media, props and consumables interact with photo booth rental companies from over 60 countries. For more information on how your business can benefit from exhibiting at the Photo Booth Expo.







Alan Katz talks about how to do a wedding following COVID19 procedure to have a safe wedding.

Alan Katz is the founder of Great Officiants. He specializes in choosing a Professional Wedding Officiant you create a “BETTER THAN FRIEND” experience. You have the flexibility to choose from a variety of Officiants and Ceremony Styles that vibe with your vision. Be assured that when you choose from our selection of Great Officiants you will find one that you will like, trust and share wonderful chemistry with. In this episode, Alan talks about how to do a wedding following the COVID19 procedure to have a safe wedding.

Conversation Highlights

[01:23] Alan’s background

[06:12] How micro weddings can be conducted

[07:58] The way wedding might be affected when the need to covering PPE for all guests

[09:13] Importance of always having a clean restroom facility and the bar

[10:47] Why many late year weddings have changed

[12:47] Every vendor should be temperature checked and quizzed

[14:29] How virtual hosts can guide guests through the events

[19:28] How to develop more empathy to others

[23:48] What traditional ceremony items still need to be done, like unity ceremonies and blessings

[29:49] Ways to maintain the safety of all the table settings

[34:28] Ideas to pivot to magnetic group mirrors

[40:13] The trends to deliver everything digitally.

[42:19] The experience having conducted a service wearing a mask

[43:45] If somebody doesn’t want to be safe oriented, then don’t have them as part of your team


Remarkable Quotes from Alan Katz

[07:32] Size does matter. How many people can we have there? Well, the rules about guest size are going to be changing. We have to adjust with that.

[10:25] It’s really important that all the vendors have here to a strict code of ethics as far as their exposure to the virus. It saves you a lawsuit, it saves them from getting sick.

[13:45] We lead by example and we need to make sure we provide a safe environment for everybody. When it made me uncomfortable, I know that other people uncomfortable.

[21:23] We’ve got to get the government to at least agree to our ideas because people in the government won’t do anything. And if they do something, it’s because they don’t know what they’re doing and they’re just making arbitrary rules.

Alan Katz
Presiding Officiant
Great Officiants

(855) Wed-Vows  / (562) 435-4000

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  • Association of Bridal Consultants (ABC) OC Trendsetter of the Year Winner
  • Voted Best Officiant in California by California Wedding Day
  • The Knot Best of Weddings Hall of Fame 2011-2019
  • WeddingWire Couples’ Choice 2010-2019

May 24, 2020, NEWS Covid-19 and Venue Openings

In the news today we talk about when wedding venues will open and COVID-19. According to our current situation we are in phase two and venues should not open. According to an email from Chad Casto of the Kern County Public Health Services Department  Currently events and gatherings like these are not allowed by Governor Newsom’s Stay at Home Order.  Part of his Order is a no gathering guidance which I have linked here. Currently, CDPH has not issued any guidance for events like these.

Another part of Governor Newsom’s Roadmap to Recovery lists weddings and venues like you have mentioned in stage 3.  Currently, Kern County is in later stage 2.

Here is Chad’s Information

  • Chad Casto
  • Kern County Public Health Services Department
  • 1800 Mt Vernon Avenue
  • Bakersfield, CA 93306-3302

 As to marriage licenses effective last week the current County clerk has begun issuing marriage licenses via video conference all the links and details can be found on their website